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- This is a first revision official invitation to The Gathering 1996
- This revision replaces the preliminary info (rev 1.00) from 17/12-95
- ------- Introduction ----------------------------------------------------
- Crusaders Productions ARE BACK!!!
- We have heard your complaints about bad choice of locations, loss of
- power, poor networking, expensive entry fees, prizes that were not paid
- until many months after the party and so forth...
- AND WE CORRECTED THEM ALL (well, most of them anyway).
- By using professional companies instead of doing everything ourselves,
- everything you need for a great party will be there.
- Together with our connections in some of the largest companies around,
- we're going to make the THE GATHERING 1996 more fun, more non-stop
- action, more unrelentless computer action than any other party!
- Just of windy balloon full of hot air loaded with a pile of horsemanure
- or a real fact? Keep your weary eyes open and read on...
- ------- hot spots -------------------------------------------------------
- "VIKINGSKIPET" in Hamar, north of Oslo, Norway.
- The main hall from the '94 Olympics in Norway.
- (If you don't know what the Olympics are, you are just the guy we want at
- TG, and believe us, the hall is big!!!) They even held an INDOORS
- cross-country skiing event in this hall.
- 12.000 square meters of pure pleasure (the same size as 3
- soccer fields or 3000 tabletennis tables.)
- The total area of the hall is 26 000 square meters
- and 350 000 cubic meters. (350 million liters).
- Stairsfree entrances (excellent for rolling those carts
- filled to the brink with equipment).
- 3000+ seats, tables and SEPARATE poweroutlets available.
- Every person gets a seat, every person gets a tablespace
- and every person gets his own grounded poweroutlet.
- (1 power outlet per person, bring your own grounded
- multiple power outlets to have more than one item
- connected at a time).
- 10 seperate LARGE wardrobes with 4-10 showers per wardrobe.
- Of course no money will be charged for this basic facility.
- Don't panic, bring your own towel!
- Sauna is optionally available.
- Coin-operated laundry to get those clothes refreshened.
- Catering will be provided. In our next info, prices and a
- day-to-day menu will be included. Junkfood and not-so-junk
- food will be served at your leisure.
- Silicone and methane lifeforms make special arrangments.
- Sleeping area is inside the hall. You will be allowed to
- sleep next to your beloved computers, and also separate
- facilities will be available for those who require less
- noisy environment to sleep in.
- Also, for those who need something less 'campy', there's a
- motell next-door with 56 rooms totalling 224 beds.
- Be warned that these rooms are often filled to the rim with
- other tourists.
- Swimminghall, tennishall and so on are available in the
- Hamar area, but at this time, opening hours at Easter is not
- available.
- Big parking facilities available immediately outside the hall at no extra
- charge. Will take any kind of possible vehicle you can arrive in.
- Extraterrastials call ahead for separate reservations.
- Limousine service available.
- No car queues at ANY time to the main road, or blocking of fire lanes to
- the main road. Failure to do so will result in summerily towing, no
- warnings will be given! There's plenty of parking space, so there's no
- need for a queue anyhow.
- DATE Easter'96
- System Boot : Tuesday 2 April 1996 00:01<br>
- System Shutdown : Saturday 6 April 1996 16:00<br>
- For those of you who arrive early, you will not be let in
- before 0:01.<br>
- Official openening and the time which every feature will be
- available is 12:00.<br>
- PRICE More than 110 hours of party for 200 NOK! (About US$ 30).
- This requires you to pay in advance. If you wish to pay at
- the entrance, the fee will be 250,- NOK (About US$ 37).
- As usual, girls and non-Europeans are let in for *FREE*.
- ET's also have free entrance, but have to provide their own
- phones.
- Prices MIGHT change for the lower, but no promises yet.
- NETWORK 1500++ Ethernet connections with high speed internal and
- Internet party network from day 0 at NO EXTRA CHARGE!!
- The NETWORKS available at the party is:
- Novell Netware, for fileservices, network gaming (thru the
- IPX/SPX protocols) and internal chat-lines.
- Internet for IRC and Telnet sessions.
- WWW and FTP will be limited due to limitations on system
- resources. (1500 WWW's is quite demanding).
- TCP/IP protocols only. For further instructions on how &
- when, read in later revisions, or contact us.
- 98% COAX connections, bring your HUB's for TP-connections.
- You just need a PC with an Ethernet-card, or buy one from us
- for 250 NOK (US$ 35) (16bits NE2000 cards for ISA-bus only).
- This is non-profit way for us get YOU onto the network if you
- don't already have a Ethernet card. You get to keep the card
- after the party. No rentals or credit plans available.
- Major body parts acceptable as a shortterm deposit.
- For the Amiga, special deals with our dealers will be made
- available. As this feature is not yet properly laid out,
- contact us for information.
- POWER Seperate poweroutlet per person, 20 persons per breaker
- switch.
- 3000 Amps available instantly, and our special TECH task force
- will be monitoring the powergrid at all hours.
- The hall itself is providing this as a courtesy service, so
- it's not us spending the week putting the power up. It's in
- place the week BEFORE the party.
- COMPOS PC, Amiga, C64, demo, intro, music, gfx and wild competitions
- will be held, plus a few surprises... See separate paragraph
- for more info.
- VIDEO Hot new movies and all the old goodies will be shown at
- regular intervals, 24 hours a day, all week.
- A special auditorium with 200 quality seats and
- superb audiovisual equipment provides the quality experience
- for all of you moviebuffs.
- If it's good enough for Olympic hot-shots it's certainly
- good enough for you.
- SLEEPING Special arrangements with the local fire department allow
- sleeping inside the hall. (No more sleeping outside in a
- tent, we're computer freaks and not Grizzly Adam's fans.)
- You'll be allowed to sleep next to your dear computers.
- See parking and general rules.
- In case of fire, warnings will be issued over the PA-system
- and by our guards, there's no need for a panic, as the hall
- is built to evacuate 19 000 people within 60 seconds.
- Warnings by alarm systems will be given MANUALLY and will be
- verified by our guards, so please report any incidents to
- your nearest guard immediately.
- The fire dept. is located at the side of the hall, and they
- will support us to avoid unnecessary firedrills or
- situations.
- Be aware of your own limitations and contact one of our
- guards if you need assistance. Also be aware of your
- buddies. Astmatic and diabetic attacks have been observed
- earlier and will hopefully not occur at Hamar.
- For more detailed ad updated information, you may:
- Surf the World Wide Web:
- see our web pages at
- http://www.crb.oslo.no>http://www.crb.oslo.no
- http://www.ifi.uio.no/~uwek/Crusaders/TG/>http://www.ifi.uio.no/~uwek/
- Crusaders/TG/</a>.
- You will find links at these web-pages:
- HTTP://www.ifi.uio.no/~uwek/>HTTP://www.ifi.uio.no/~uwek/
- HTTP://www.iu.hioslo.no/~michelt>http://www.iu.hioslo.no/~michelt/
- Browse USENET:
- check out comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos
- check out alt.sys.amiga.demos
- check out alt.comp.demoparties.gathering
- Chat on IRC:
- any available channel concerning The Scene.
- Search out: #coders, #amigascene or similar
- Call a BBS:
- +47-22 10 46 46 28.8KBps
- +47-22 10 08 93 28.8KBps
- Conference name: TG96
- call Infolink BBS at # +47-22 57 16 00 or 04
- Conference name: Gathering96
- call Countzero BBS at # +47-55 12 29 62
- Conference name: Gathering96
- call Spacebar BBS at # +47-64 93 34 99
- Phone or Email
- contact Vegard Skjefstad voice: # +47 90119966 24hrs
- email: vegards@infolink.no
- or Trond Michelsen voice: # +47 92637891 24hrs
- email: michelt@iu.hioslo.no
- or Espen Lyngaas email: espen@team17.com<br>
- Write to:
- Crusaders Productions
- Stasjonsvn. 56
- N-2010 Stroemmen
- Norway<
- Include complete name and address to receive the OFFICIAL
- PARTY INVITATION LEAFLET in the mail early in March.
- For preregistration and travel arrangments (bus-trip
- organizers, contact us well ahead), call the bulletin boards
- or drop us a email.
- See at the end of this info for contact adresses for
- bus-trips.
- ------ Competitions ----------------------------------------------------
- Competitions
- As this is only a early invitation, many of the details have been
- "nailed down". However, this is an ongoing process. Keep posted for more
- detailed info, so keep in touch.
- General rules
- All entries will be presented in the best true form available.
- The music modules will be put onto DAT and presented from this
- media. We'll strive to get the highest quality available.
- The demos and intros will be put onto video (not your ordinarily
- VHS type though) to allow a smooth running if it's technically
- possible to do so for the product.
- To allow us to do this, please follow the written rules:
- See separate demands for each contest.
- All entries will be put on one (or more) CDROM(s).
- Contributions will be awarded royalty from this based upon
- contribution.
- All entries MUST be delivered with a FILE_ID.DIZ file describing the
- production in a detailed way. The file must follow the description
- below:
- File_id.diz 45 chars x 8 lines, no colour-ansi's.
- Type :
- Title :
- Version :
- Author :
- Competition-type/place :
- Short description :
- Eks.
- 5" "
- 7" "
- 8" "
- For those of you with an artistic streak, put your efforts into the
- README.TXT-file.
- PC contributions general rules
- 486 DX2-66 or above (Pentium support recommended)
- 8Mb RAM
- VGA-register compatible and/or SVGA by VESA 2.0
- support or similar
- Max 10 minutes shown
- Must run under DOS or Win 95 supporting the following setup:
- XMS *and* EMS support loaded (HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE)
- Localized support (that is, normal country-specific
- codepages etc. supported through normal DOS-commands)
- CDROM support loaded (using MSCDEX)
- FILE-ID.DIZ as stated above
- Maximum 590K conventional memory requirement
- Standalone executable with or without data files
- Loopable only by choice (-loop parameter)
- Exits demo by pressing ESC-key at any time
- Exits demo at end automatically
- Must run from harddisk
- Must run from CD-ROM
- 2Mb temporary swap-file allowed (this *MUST* be deleted
- upon exit and written to the root of your C-drive).
- This file must *NOT* affect any files already present in
- this directory.
- Sound rules apply ONLY when the production has sound.
- PC contributions general testing
- All demos will be *TESTED* on the following machine:
- 486DX2-66
- 8Mb RAM
- ET-4000 1Mb VGA-card
- Gravis Ultrasound MAX 1Mb
- or
- SB AWE 32 2Mb
- MS-DOS 7.0 and Windows 95 installed (as MS-DOS 7.0 is
- included with Windows 95)
- HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE loaded
- All demos will be *PRESENTED* run on the following machine:
- Pentium 90
- Diamond Stealth 64 2Mb VRAM card
- 16Mb RAM
- Gravis Ultrasound MAX 1Mb
- or
- SB AWE 32 2Mb
- The contributor *MUST* state which card he wishes to run
- his production with.
- MS-DOS 7.0 and Windows 95 installed (as MS-DOS 7.0 is
- included with Windows 95)
- HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE loaded
- PC-Demo
- Max 5 Mbytes (5242880 bytes) total disk-size required for all
- the files in the product (excluding the FILE_ID.DIZ-file).
- Gravis Ultrasound *MUST* be supported
- (and heavily recommended by dozens of coders!) :-D
- Soundblaster or above *MUST* be supported
- Silent mode *MUST* be supported
- (-nosound parameter or menu-choice).
- The production will be shown with the soundcard
- of choice by the contributor. (GUS or AWE).
- Sound rules apply ONLY when the production has sound.
- Max 4096 bytes total disk-size required for all the files
- in the product (excluding the FILE_ID.DIZ-file).
- Gravis Ultrasound or Soundblaster and above supported at
- your own leisure.
- Silent mode *MUST* be supported
- (-nosound parameter or menu-choice).
- Sound rules apply ONLY when the production has sound.
- Max 65536 bytes total disk-size required for all the files
- in the product (excluding the FILE_ID.DIZ-file).
- Gravis Ultrasound *MUST* be supported
- (and heavily recommended by dozens of coders!) :-D
- Soundblaster or above *MUST* be supported
- Silent mode *MUST* be supported
- (-nosound parameter or menu-choice).
- It is OK that the compo-version only supports GUS, but a
- release version (which can be slightly larger than 64kB)
- with SB-support has to be delivered together with the
- compo-version.
- Max 10 minutes shown
- Amiga contributions general rules:
- Amiga 1200/4000
- 2Mb Chip
- 4Mb Fast
- 68020 processor or above
- Standalone executable with or without data files
- Max 10 minutes shown
- Harddisk installable/runnable.
- Loopable only by choice (-loop parameter)
- Exits demo at end
- Exits demo by mouseclick
- Amiga contributions general testing:
- All demos will be *TESTED* on the following machine:
- A1200
- 2Mb Chip
- 4Mb Fast-RAM
- All demos will be *PRESENTED* on the following machine:
- A1200 with 68030/50MHz accelerator.
- 2Mb Chip
- 4Mb Fast-RAM
- Max 5 Mbytes (5242880 bytes) total disk-size required for all
- the files in the product (excluding the FILE-ID.DIZ).
- Max 4096 bytes total disk-size required for all the files
- in the product (excluding the FILE-ID.DIZ).
- Max 40960 bytes total disk-size required for all the files
- in the product (excluding the FILE-ID.DIZ).
- The demo must work on an A500 w/Kickstart 1.2 and 512kB
- memory.
- The demos should be inspired by the demos from the period
- 1986-1990.
- C-64 DEMO
- C64 standard model
- 64K RAM (no wonder)
- 1541 or compatible FDD
- Image will be shown for 60 seconds
- TIFF or IFF formats allowed
- Max 24 bit color depth (16.7 M colors)
- Max 1024x768 resolution allowed
- Any technique(s) allowed, must be stated
- Machine format unlimited, but adhere to graphics format
- No colourcycling effects allowed
- Max 15 minutes shown
- Contribution must be provided on a harddisk
- or (S)VHS-tape (Harddisk media will be returned)
- IFF (to the inclusion of all ANIM-x), FLI, FLC,
- MOV, AVI or MPG formats allowed
- Other formats to be supported by the contributors at
- time of entry into the competition
- As some differences in formats exists, we recommend that
- the contributor have a workable player/platform available
- Max 24 bit color depth (16.7 M colors)
- Max 800x600 resolution allowed
- Any technique(s) allowed, must be stated on competition
- entry form
- Contributions may be presented with a commercially
- available soundtrack chosen by the author(s)
- Max 4 minutes will be played
- Max 4 channels
- Entry must be delivered in MOD-format
- Please state WHICH tracker used, so the optimalization of
- playback will made as efficient as possible
- Entries will be played on a A1200 with 2Mb Chip, 4Mb Fast
- The contributions played for the voting will be recorded
- onto DAT and played from this media.
- Max size is 800kB (in playable format, exluding the
- FILE-ID.DIZ file)
- The final presentation before the public will be run
- from a DAT-recording.
- Max 4 minutes will be played
- Max 32 channels
- S3M, MOD, PAC, XM, IT and AMS formats allowed
- The modules will be played back using the latest version
- of the tracker it was composed with.
- All entries must state which tracker was used for composition.
- Max size of module is 1.44Mb (the size of one STANDARD
- HD-formatted DOS-disk) including the FILE-ID.DIZ file
- Entries will be played on a choice of Gravis Ultrasound
- Max or AWE32 according to the composers wish.
- The final presentation before the public will be run
- from a DAT-recording.
- WILD!!
- Max 15 minutes shown
- Bring your own hardware and *contact us*
- Windows or Windows 95 *.SCR format
- Amiga Garschne blanker or similar
- Macintosh After Dark-format
- Other formats by providing similar support
- This compo will be judge by a 100% female jury.
- External design (Colours, art, features or similar)
- Internal design (Colours, art, features or similar)
- Well, the name is enuff!!!
- Design
- Features
- Wearability
- Power-consumption
- Slogan
- Design
- Wearability
- WET T-shirt allowed
- Other Compos
- Soccer-compo, Frogger-compo, C-Robot AI Compo (PC/Amiga/Unix/SGI/HP/SUN)
- Poetry/limerick computer compo
- Descent/Doom/Worms/Deadly Skies/Command & Conquer/Netgames competitions
- ------ Transport -------------------------------------------------------
- How to get there:
- From Oslo:
- Drive E6 north (towards Trondheim) from Oslo for about 75 minutes, and
- follow the signs to "Vikingskipet Olympic Arena".
- The road sign reads: "Olympia-hallen" on a sign which is rectangular,
- has a white background and black print.
- If you miss it, make your driver wear thicker glasses!
- If you miss it twice, make your driver wear dark sunglasses and white
- cane.
- Trains for Hamar depart from Oslo Central station every hour, the hall
- is located a small walk away from the station.
- Bus transports will be scheduled, contact us for booking information.
- Look at the end of this info for contact persons concerning bus-trips.
- If you arrive by plane or boat in Norway, follow the above
- directions from Oslo or call us for further instructions.
- From Trondheim or northern Norway:
- Drive E6 South (towards Oslo) and follow the signs again.
- From Sweden or Finland:
- Drive until you hit E6 in Norway and turn either South or North
- depending on your location. Ask the nearest gas station.
- As several hundred thousand people made it during the Olympics, and
- nearly every person in Norway know where Hamar/Vikingskipet is, ASK!!!
- Map will be available at a later date at WEB-site and in the written
- invitation.
- ------ Rules ----------------------------------------------------------
- General rules that really should be obvious...
- Fireregulations allow us sleep inside the hall (in fact, the fire
- dept. is at the side of the hall, so they'll watch over us).
- HOWEVER, parking regulations provides the following:
- No car queues at ANY time to the main road, or blocking of fire lanes
- to the main road. Failure to do so will result in summerily towing,
- no warnings will be given!! There's plenty of parking space, so
- there's no need for a queue anyhow.
- Political, racist and religious activities will not be tolerated.
- The organizers reserve EXCLUSIVE right to determine what will be
- tolerated or not.
- Commercial activity or trading will not be allowed without prior
- written permission from the organizers. (And a proper bribe of course).
- Alcohol, drugs, firearms, projectile weapons, fireworks and nuclear
- devices not intended for transportation are not allowed inside or
- immediately outside the hall.
- No flammable unnecessary material allowed. This includes
- gas-containers or similar.
- We will not be held responsible for damaged or stolen property.
- Software piracy, hacking and illegal swapping will not be tolerated.
- Hacking the network is probably fun, but so is living the rest of
- your life without any testicles!!
- Remember!! Norwegians eat Rudolf's testicles for X-mas.
- ------ Technical Stuff -------------------------------------------------
- All electrical equipment must be properly put together following
- normal electrical regulations. Equipment not following this easy rule
- will not be allowed to hook up to the power grid.
- Microwave ovens, grills, toasters, refridgerators, electric chairs and
- other equipment that may cause electrical noise, power surges or
- electrocutive experiences will not be allowed inside the party hall.
- The party network will be based upon a 100 Mbit backbone. However, we
- will only be able to connect you to it via standard 10 Mbit COAX BNC
- connections at each table.
- IPX/SPX and IP protocols are the only protocols supported.
- ANY AND ALL physical network connections are to be made by TECHNET
- crew personell. The only thing you should do yourself is installling
- your own networkclient at your workstation. The Tech Crew will be
- provide assistance for those who need it to get you onto the network.
- Tampering with the network or power system will not be accepted!!
- Time and technical restrictions makes this a FRIENDSHIP rule.
- ------ Alternative Easter -----------------------------------------------
- Why not combine THE GATHERING with your normal Easter holiday?
- About two hours of driving from Hamar, you find HAFJELL and KVITFJELL,
- the arenas that hosted the alpine diciplines during the 1994 Winter
- Olympics. These are two of Scandinavia's most modern alpine centers
- today, well suited for those family members who don't want to spend the
- entire week indoor.
- As well is Hamar a tourist site in itself. Olympics arenas and scenic
- nature is just part of what makes Hamar interesting.
- For those of you above 18, Hamar also provides a semi-interesting
- nightlife. Remember that drunken bastards will not be let into the hall,
- so behave yourself a bit.
- -------- KANDU --------------------------------------------------------
- KANDU (Kreativ Aktiv Norsk Data Ungdom) would translate into
- "Creative Active Norwegian Computer Youth" was formed by Crusaders,
- Cryptoburners, ATC and a few other groups in order to show people outside
- the scene what we are capable of, a vital step in the process of getting
- economical support for a project of this magnitude.
- End Of Transmission - Shady/Crusaders
- ---